Lilypie Lilypie

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy 9 months!

I just cant believe our Jack is already 9 months old! It seems like just the other day that I had him and he looked like this picture. He always looks so comfortable sleeping and gets into the cutest positions.He truly has been the most precious baby. Except for his sleeping that got off track for a couple of months because of teeth (he got 6 in a row so fast!) and being sick, he really is the best baby I could have hoped for. He now sleeps 7:00 to 6:00-6:30. He loves to eat more than anything in the world and he hasnt met alot of things he wont eat. Actually the only thing is green beans. However he loves carrots and peas and has just started eating steamed broccoli. His favorite food is spaghetti and he can shovel it in. I think I have posted pictures before of him with it. He also loves the Gerber chicken sticks and ravioli, blueberry waffles, nutrigrain pancakes, bananas, pears, mandarin oranges, oh the list goes on and on... So different from Ellie's short list of foods. Speaking of Ellie, she truly is the light of his life. It is so precious to see them together. He is her little "pumpkin pie" and she is the best big sister. They love to be with each other and if he isnt around, she is always looking for him. Her nicknames for him are pumpin pie and jackaroni. It really has been the best feeling seeing how close they are.

Jack started crawling at 7 months has has been pulling up on everything since then. He loves to be standing so I think he will walk before Ellie did (14 months) but I am not sure when. I cant wait for warmer weather when we can get the kids outside to play and use his push toys. I know he will be one year old soon and starting kindergarten before I know it, but for now he is just our sweet, precious pumpkin pie.

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